While there is no one acne scarring method of removal that can get rid of all acne scars, there is a number of acne scarring treatments that can help reduce their appearance. Check out the various procedures for getting rid of scarring such as lasers, tissue fillers, surgery and acne scarring cream.
Acne Scarring Treatment – Acne Scarring Treatment
Acne scars can be stubborn. The extent of scarring differs and thus no single acne treatment is suitable for everyone. However, there are given treatments that can help to reduce to a great extent the appearance of scars. Some acne scarring treatment methods will work well on some skin types and they include:
Laser skin resurfacing treatments: These can be divided into ablative and non-ablative lasers. The non-ablative ones stimulate collagen production without damaging any skin cells. The ablative type vaporizes the scar giving room for smoother and healthier skin to replace it. The acne scarring is reduced through a laser beam which destroys the scarred outer layer of the skin. As the area of treatment heals, there is formation of new skin. More than one session may be required to achieve desired results.
Dermabrasion: This makes use of an exfoliating brush to remove the acne scarring. The extent of exfoliation done will depend on the depth and size of the scar. With this method, surface scars are completely gotten rid of while it makes deeper scars less noticeable. A similar but milder treatment is microdermabrasion. This makes use of crystals applied on the skin. The effects are less pronounced than in dermabrasion as its extent of penetration is lesser.
Surgical treatments: Where the acne scarring is too severe, surgical excision may be necessary. A punch excision removes scarring by cutting out individual scars. This may be followed up by suturing to close up the wounds. As healing occurs, anew scar will be formed but which will be less visible. In some instances, a punch graft may be necessary. This is done by getting healthy skin from a donor site and using it to replace what was removed. It normally is doe where extensive acne scarring is experienced.
Dermal fillers: This involves the use of tissue fillers to treat sunken acne scars. It could be done by injecting collagen or fat beneath the skin. This raises the scarred area to the same level as normal skin. Results are temporary and regular refills are required to sustain the results. The appearance of atrophic scars can be reduced using this method of acne scarring treatment.
Chemical peels: These make use of potent acid formulas to get rid of the top layer of the skin. This minimizes appearance of scars. Any form of chemical peel for acne scars is best carried out under the supervision of the doctor. In case you are to use an over the counter product, seek the advice of a dermatologist first. The type of peel used will depend on your skin type and severity of the acne scarring.
Acne Scarring Removal
Making the right choices in acne scarring removal is very important. To settle for the best removal procedure, it is important to seek a doctor’s opinion. By examining the kind of acne scarring you are experiencing, they will advise you on the best removal method.
The same applies when choosing products for home treatments. Pay a lot of attention to the active ingredients contained in them. Ingredients such as alpha hydroxy acids, beta hydroxy acids and ascorbic acid are great. Contrary to popular belief, research has proved that vitamin E does little to reduce scars. You can therefore avoid products containing it as the main active ingredient.
Acne Scarring Cream
Acne scarring cream is a common choice of treatment for mild and moderate scars. It is available both over the counter and on prescription. The creams work through exfoliation of the scarred areas. There are different types of creams depending on their ingredients and what effect they have on the scar. They include:
Cortisone fading creams: These are most appropriate for red and swollen acne scarring treatment. The skin cells absorb cortisone and reduce inflammation. Ensure that the cream you settle for does not cause blockage on the pores as this may with time worsen the situation.
Lightening creams: There are ingredients that can help to lighten the skin. These include kojic acid which is derived from mushrooms, arbutin from bear berry extract, ascorbic acid which is extracted from Vitamin C. These are natural extracts that can help in reducing hyperpigmentation on acne scarring. They are an alternative to hydroquinone which is losing its glory as a lightening product due to risks associated with it. Check for creams containing these ingredients to help you lighten your acne scarring.
Retinoids: Topical application of retinoids promotes healing. They can be found in creams in the form of Retin-A or Tazorac. These though should not be used by expectant mothers. These are readily available in drugstores.
Alpha-hydroxy acids or Beta-hydroxy acids: These acids help to peel off the acne scarring and thus reveal new skin with less visible scarring. They are not only used in scarring creams but in chemical peels for acne scars as well.
When choosing a cream, it is important to know that none can help in filling up atrophic scars. For treatment of these, look for other treatment alternatives. Before settling for any brand, do some research and know what people think about the product. This information can be easily accessed from online cream reviews.
Acne Scarring Laser Treatment
Acne scarring laser treatment blasts the epidermis and heats the skin layer beneath. This helps in healing the scar and makes its appearance to lessen. Where the scarring is severe, multiple treatments are carried out to give better results.
Laser treatment is effective but gives varying results. This could be attributed to individual reactions towards the treatment. Although it reduces the appearance of scarring, it may be used together with other forms of treatment to better the results.