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Home Remedies for Dry Feet, How to Heal, Treat, Lotions and Creams

Are there any home remedies for dry feet? How do these home remedies for dry feet work? Discover various homemade treatments for dry feet in this article. Additionally, learn how to heal dry feet with the best lotions and creams out there in the market.

Listering for Dry Feet Soak
Listering for Dry Feet Soak

We all love to have happy feet all the time. However, due to our jobs that make us stand all day and busy lifestyles this may seem like an unattainable dream. By happy feet, I mean those that are not dry with lots of calluses. Identifying the cause of your dry feet is an important step towards achieving happy feet. You have to know what you could be doing wrong to give rise to dry feet. While the only way to heal dry feet is to hydrate, there are various ways to do that using pedicures, foot lotions and creams.

Pedicures in any nail spa costs money and may not be affordable to most of us who have other pressing financial matters to attend with our little resources. Nevertheless, this does not mean we cannot give ourselves mini pedicures at home and enjoy happy feet like those who pay for full pedicures each week in beauty spas. In fact, we can enjoy it each day from our home spas. There are various home remedies for dry feet to help us in the endeavor of healing the dry and sometimes cracked feet .These work well with the right foot lotions and creams. Let us explore the various home remedies, lotions and creams for dry feet shortly.

Home Remedies for Dry Feet Hydration

Home remedies to cure dry feet work by giving the feet moisture, which is lost through excessive activities of the feet. The skin on the feet also happens to be very hard and dry. As a result, it requires to be moisturized regularly and diligently.

The home remedies cannot work without giving your dry feet a soak to get rid of dirt and excessive dead skin cells. I will try to expound on the foot soak below after giving you the various home made moisturizers. Home remedies for dry feet include home made moisturizers and pastes that can be applied for a few minutes or overnight. Some may even be okay to use during the day.

Home made remedies happen to be cheap and readily available since they are from groceries that we already have in the house. Sometimes they may be even products we use on other parts of the body such as hair or products that we can consume without harming us. Without further ado, here are the home remedies for dry feet:

  • Vegetable oils, works as a perfect homemade foot moisturizer
  • Lemon juices mixed with white vinegar and olive oil works as an exfoliate and moisturizer
  • Blended ripe figs mixed with hardened coconut oil works as a home made scrub
  • Honey is a foot mask that can help give your dry feet moisture
  • Almond oil mixed with mashed bananas and yoghurt, this combination gives lots of moisture to the dry feet and should be applied and left on feet for 20 minutes before being rinsed off.

For more home remedies for dry feet do not hesitate to use them, as it does not hurt to try since they have no side effects.

Vaseline for Dry Feet

If you do not have the time to prepare the above concoctions, you can always settle for simple petroleum jelly after soaking your dry feet. Vaseline is a brand available in most homes and it helps to lock moisture in the feet because of its petrolatum component.

I use Vaseline on my feet every night before going to bed. I make sure that I have given each foot a good dose of Vaseline petroleum jelly before wearing cotton socks. It does not matter the color of the socks, but do ensure they are cotton made in order to lock moisture in your dry feet. My sleeping socks are mismatched, but they do help a great deal.

Dry Feet Soak

Home Remedies for Dry Feet
Home Remedies for Dry Feet

Soaking your feet is the first step you should take before moisturizing or using any paste on your dry feet. I recommend three different types of dry feet soak. These will give you soft and clean feet that you can tell when you rub them against the skin on your clean-shaven legs or your partners.

  1. Pour ¼-cup white vinegar/ apple cider vinegar and ¼ cup Listerine in warm water in basin. The water should be enough to cover your feet up to the ankles. Soak your dry feet and stay there for 15 minutes.
  2. Pour some Dead Sea mineral salts in water in homemade footbath and soak your feet for 20 minutes.
  3. Squeeze juice from one lemon and add it to warm water in a basin. You should also add gentle shampoo to the water to make it soapy. Alternatively, you can use a mild soap with ingredients that will not dry your feet more. Keep your feet in the water for 15 minutes.

Choose any of these dry feet soak and after the given time, use a pumice stone, file or brush to remove excessive dirt from your heels. Give each foot about 2 minutes of exfoliating. Use a soft cloth if you have diabetic dry feet or as advised by your doctor.

Pat your feet dry while ensuring that you do not leave any moisture between your toes after exfoliating. After drying, moisturize with any of the above home made foot moisturizers or apply masks and rinse off before moisturizing. If you have any over-the-counter foot creams and lotions, you can use them as well to moisturize.

Listerine for Dry Feet Soak

You probably have a huge bottle of Listerine in your bathroom cabinet and occasionally you use it to clean your mouth. This same Listerine is the best for dry feet soak because it contains ethanol. Therefore, it has the ability to kill bacteria, fungi and germs that could be associated with your dry feet.

It does not matter what color of Listerine you have as all brands work in the same way. However, most people prefer blue Listerine. The blue Listerine is leaves its blue color in the toenails of some people. Consequently, if this happens to you, do not panic. However, if you have to wear open shoes you could soak again briefly in warm water with lemon juice to remove the blue color from your toenails.

The beauty of Listerine for dry feet soak is that it helps in plumping up the dry skin cells on your feet. This way, when you use a brush, foot file or brush on your feet to exfoliate, your work becomes much easier. Most people who have used Listerine for dry feet do agree that it leaves the feet happy.

What to Do for Dry Feet – How to Treat Dry Feet or How to Heal Dry Feet

Dry feet are common in cold weather, but you can suffer from them any time of the year because of not hydrating your body and feet appropriately. How to treat dry feet or how to heal dry feet takes an attitude change towards your feet, you have to love pampering them as you do to any other part of your body like your hair and facial skin. Should you experience dryness, what to do for dry feet is:

  • Soak
  • Exfoliate gently
  • Moisturize deeply
  • Sleep also in socks or wear them for at least four hours every night.

Lotion for Dry Feet –Ingredients and Brands

Lotion for Dry Feet
Lotion for Dry Feet

A good lotion to moisturize your dry feet if you do not want to use the home remedies should contain

  • Vitamin E
  • Coco butter,  Shea butter, jojoba, or olive oil
  • Aloe vera
  • Urea
  • Alpha hydroxyl acid

All or some of these ingredients in your lotion for dry feet should heal the dryness if you also maintain soaking. A good example of foot lotion is:

  • Foot Ever Young Lotion

Best Foot Cream for Dry Feet Chosen by a Podiatrist

If you feel that a foot lotion is not giving you soft and supple feet, you can opt for a foot cream. Foot creams tend to be heavier in moisture. However, do not compromise on the ingredients, as they should remain the same. Best foot cream for dry feet:

  • Burt’s Bees Thorough Therapeutic Honey & Bilberry Foot Cream
  • Eucerin Plus Intensive Repair Foot Crème
  • Dr. Scholl’s Ultra Overnight Foot Cream
  • L’occitane Shea Butter Dry Skin Foot Cream
  • Gold Bond Therapeutic Foot Cream

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