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Nose Surgery Cost, How Much It Costs, Reduction, Crooked Cost

Nose surgery cost varies greatly depending on numerous factors. This article will answer several questions for you including whether the cost is worth it and also dig into the cost for specific procedures (e.g. crooked nose and reduction) and specific cities and states (e.g. Chicago, NYC, Houston etc.).

Nose Surgery Cost, How Much Does Nose Surgery Cost or Price

The question “How much does nose surgery cost?” may have jumped into your mind immediately you heard about all the good things that this cosmetic intervention procedure can do to your face aesthetically speaking.

A lot of factors goes into play in determining nose surgery cost.

To start with, the surgeon’s experience and reputation has a great role to play. It is all too common for professionals who have spent a long time building a name for themselves to charge more for their services and plastic surgeons are not an exception.

Secondly, the geographic location of the surgeon or clinic also influence the price tag for a nose surgery. That explains why a plastic surgeon in Beverly Hills may charge more than an equally experienced surgeon in Mumbai, India.

In addition the complexity of the surgery procedure involved also plays a critical role in the determining the cost incurred for the nose job. That will vary depending on the patients’ specific goals and the surgeon’s preferences (e.g. what option the surgeon chooses between the two main types of nose surgery i.e. open and closed). Your surgeon will explain everything accordingly.

All said and done, nose surgery cost range from between $3000 and $15,000. The average cost based on figures quoted by actual users in the Real Self community is $6,950.

That price may be quite significant for most of us and can be hard to achieve without a financing plan. Unfortunately, most insurance policies do not cover nose job procedures that are exclusively intended for cosmetic reasons as opposed to medical reasons.

Exception however hold for patients who rhinoplasty procedure has a certain functional element. For example, the insurance company may cover the portion of surgery which is aimed at corrected a deviated septum to improve breathing or to repair a defect caused by injury.

Nose surgery cost eventually sums up from not only the surgeon’s fee but also the fee and costs for anesthesia, operating facility, medications and splints, among other materials and services. It is up to you to do your due diligence before settling for a surgeon or facility.

Most surgeons also offer their patients flexible payment plans so don’t also be afraid to ask.

Even then, always remember that price just one part of the equation. Choose a surgeon that you feel comfortable with and whom you think is most likely to deliver the best results. You can always increase your chances by checking that the surgeon is board-accredited and by checking his “before and after” pictures.

These will of course not guarantee satisfying results but will increase your chances of getting it done right the first time.

Broken Nose Surgery Cost

As we have already mentioned elsewhere, a broken nose surgery may be required to restore the shape and function of the nose after a trauma from a fall, accident, sport injuries or fist fight.

Richard W. Fleming, MD, a Beverly Hills Facial Plastic Surgeon, estimates a broken nose surgery cost of $7,000. This is close to the average price of $6,950 obtained from reported costs as incurred by actual Real Self community members.

The cost can however go as low as $3,000 and as high as $15,000 deepening on the various factors e.g. geographic location outlined in a previous section of this article. The total cost for a nose job comprises of surgeon’s fee, anesthesia fee, and facility fee.

Nose Reduction Surgery Cost

As for those looking to know nose reduction surgery cost, this will essentially vary depending on your specific aesthetic preferences, geographic location of the surgeon or facility, surgeon’s experience etc. your surgeon will discuss with you and let you know any financing options that they could be offering.

You can however expect a price tag of about $3,000 for minor surgeries and as much as $15,000 for complex rhinoplasty surgeries. It is a good idea also to have the average price of $6,950 at the back of your mind as you shop around for surgeons.

Crooked Nose Surgery Cost

Surgery can as well be used to straighten up a crooked nose and thus improve facial appearance or patient’s breathing ability. This is usually performed under general anesthesia. Crooked nose surgery cost will as with any other type of aesthetic surgery vary depending on the country and geographic region, complexity of the procedure involved, and surgeon’s experience among other factors.

As John M. Hilinski, MD, a San Diego Facial Plastic Surgeon says, you can expect an average price of $6,500 and $7,000 which closely matches the average price of rhinoplasty in general; $6,950 based on user reporting on Real Self.

Nose Tip Surgery Cost

And then there is this reader who wrote to us asking, “I have a deviated septum that interferes with my breathing. I am scheduled for a nose surgery but was considering having a nose tip improved during the procedure. How much would that cost and is that covered by my insurance?”

According to William Portuese, MD, a Seattle Facial Plastic Surgeon, nose tip surgery cost is not covered by insurance which means that you have to pay for about half of the full amount while the medical insurance cover the remaining amount.

Some hospitals and surgeons may however have financing plans and arranged with credit providers to help you spread the cost of the rhinoplasty procedure.

Is Nose Surgery Worth It?

“Is nose surgery worth it?” is not an easy question to answer as the right answer varies from one person to another. In a nutshell however, that depends on how much a perceived nose defect is a bother to you.

If the appearance of your nose significantly affects you psychologically, then it may be worth it to spend some $15,000 with an experienced surgeon to make your nose more proportional. If you can afford it, spending that money is not equivalent to spending the rest of your life with a nose you don’t like.

There is however an ethical aspect to nose surgeries and personal views and standings will essentially vary from one person to another. It is up to you to decide where you want to stand.

According to Minas Constantinides, MD, checking whether a surgeon is registered with the following boards make for a more object way to determine if she is worth your time and money:

  • The American Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (ABFPRS)
  • The American Board of Otolaryngology
  • The American Board of Plastic Surgery

If you are outside the United States, check with the relevant boards in your country.

Reconstructive Nose Surgery Cost

Reconstructive nose surgery may be done to improve or restore abnormal nasal structures e.g. deviated septum due to developmental abnormalities, congenital defects, trauma, or diseases. It helps to not only improve nose function but also restore its normal shape.

For septorhinoplasty (surgery to repair the septum), the average price is $4,525 as derived from fees reportedly charged to members of the Real Self community.

A Word of Caution on Cheap Nose Surgery

While it is always a good idea to get the best value for your money, it is also important that you don’t blow up chances of successful aesthetic and functional outcome by settling for the lowest price tag without doing your due diligence.

First of all, ensure that the surgeon is accredited by relevant bodies and take a look at numerous before and after photos from his/her previous clients to gauge what kind of results you can expect.

Nose Surgery NYC

As part of this research, we ventured out scouting for nose surgery NYC specialists as one of our readers put it in a comment to another previous article on the subject. Here are some surgeons and clinics we were able to identify:

  • Garret Bennett is Located at: 115 East 61st Street, Suite 7C New York, NY 10065
  • Manhattan Facial Plastic Surgery: Located on 1040 Park Ave, At 86th St new York, NY 10028 Directed by Sam S. Rizk, MD who is reportedly certified by The American Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and The American Board of Otolaryngology
  • Philip Miller, MD, FACS: Located on 60 E 56th Street Suite 300, New York, NY 10022
  • Sherrell J. Aston M.D. Located on 728 Park Ave New York, NY 10021
  • Oren M.Tepper‎: Located on 875 Park Ave New York City, NY 10075
  • Barry M. Weintraub, MD, FACS: Located on New York City 800A Fifth Avenue

Keep in mind that this is only a guiding list and is in no way intended to endorse any facility or surgeon.

Nose Surgery Houston

We as well spent some time checking out some of the nose surgery specialists in Houston and our list came out as follows:

  • Sanaz Harirchian, MD: Located at 1200 Binz St, Suite 1200 Houston, Texas 77004
  • Michel Siegel, MD: Located at 7700 San Felipe Street, Suite 420 Houston, TX 77063
  • Funk Facial Plastic Surgery: Run by Etai Funk, MD, this facility is located at 10575 I-10 Katy Fwy Suite 230 Houston, TX 77024
  • Eisemann Plastic Surgery Center 6550 Fannin, Suite 2119 Houston, TX 77030
  • Yeung Institute: 1103 Banks St. Houston, TX 77006
  • Athre Facial Plastics Located on 2121 Sage Rd. Suite 245 Houston, Texas 77056

Nose Surgery Chicago

As for those in Chicago, you may want to consider the following nose surgery specialists and facilities:

  • Steven H. Dayan, MD 845 N. Michigan Ave. Suite 923 East Chicago, IL 60611
  • Northwestern Facial Plastic Surgery: 675 North St. Clair Galter 15-200 Chicago, IL 60611
  • Gregory A. Turowski, MD: 9843 Gross Point Road Skokie IL, 60076

Recommended Reading on Surgery of the Nose

Further Suggested Reading on Rhinoplasty

Suggested Reading on Nose Job

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