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What Is a Hypertrophic Scar – Tissue, Formation & Images

What is a hypertrophic scar and how does it look like in images? How does hypertrophic scar formation occur? Is a hypertrophic scar the same as a keloid or what is the difference?

A wound on skin if deep will leave a reminder in the form of scar. Depending on where the wound is, there are different types of scars formed. Some maybe on the face if you have trauma from zits, and others may be on other parts of your body including knees, ankles, shoulders and neck. Some scars may be depressed while others may be raised.

Hypertrophic scar is one of the kinds that are raised. This scar is often confused with a keloid, which is also a raised scar. In this article, I will provide a definition for a hypertrophic scar so that you can be able to differentiate between it and a keloid. What is a hypertrophic scar, how does it form and what is the possible treatment? For all these information, read on.

What Is a Hypertrophic Scar – Define Hypertrophic Scar

I would define hypertrophic scar on how it occurs, they “occur when the body overproduces collagen, which causes the scar to be raised above the surrounding skin take the form of a red raised lump on the skin. They usually occur within 4 to 8 weeks following wound infection or wound closure with excess tension and/or other traumatic skin injuries.” (Wikipedia.org)

What is a hypertrophic scar? According to webmd.com, “Hypertrophic scars are thick and raised but do not extend beyond the area that was injured.”

From these definitions, it is clear that hypertrophic scars are lumpy, raised and red. They also remain within the margin of the injury, the do not go beyond it.

Hypertrophic Scar Formation Process

The formation of a hypertrophic scar takes place during the scar healing process. However, it is not clear about how it happens despite many studies on the subject.

Here is an explanation about why hypertrophic scar formation is not clear:

“Despite a plethora of various in vivo and in vitro studies, to date only limited information is available on the exact cause of hypertrophic scar and keloid formation. Knowledge of the cellular and molecular mechanisms implicated in the development of these fibroproliferative disorders remains relatively poor because of the lack of representative and well-recognized animal models of human hypertrophic scar formation. Instead, scar tissue for study is usually obtained from humans undergoing scar revision—usually months after the scar first developed. Therefore, early alterations in wound repair mechanisms that likely determine the development of hypertrophic scars may be missed.” (nih.gov)

However, the risk of formation is high on people suffering from burns or who have had different kinds of piercings, ears, nose and back dimples piercings. Back dimple piercings scars are hard to treat because of their location at the lower back. For hypertrophic scar piercing on the nose, this is how to go about it.

Nih.gov accounts that 40%-70% of hypertrophic scars are due to surgery, while 91% are come from burns. Therefore, if you are having surgery it is important that you ask your surgeon how you can minimize the risk of acquiring a scar of hypertrophic nature.

Hypertrophic Scar Images – Hypertrophic Scar Pictures

In order to differentiate scars, it is important to search for hypertrophic scar images online. Hypertrophic scar pictures show a linear scar rather that is not so jagged. It is easy to differentiate it from a keloid, which appears like a growth or acne scars which are depressed.

From the hypertrophic scar images, it looks like wound still in the process of healing. In fact, most hypertrophic scars diminish with time. However, other kinds may require intervention of scar reduction creams or surgical or non surgical in-office procedures.

It is important to consult a dermatologist or surgeon before beginning any form of treatment. Furthermore, if you insist on using creams, do so when the wound has no drainage.

Hypertrophic Scar Pain Indicates Healing in Progress

If you have hypertrophic scar pain, it could mean that your scar is still in the healing process. Therefore, you can make use of some of the over the counter creams with natural ingredients to massage it. This will make it heal without being too lumpy or raised. Do not use harsh chemicals on a painful scar as you could kill the tissue cells.

Hypertrophic Scar Tissue Treatment

Depending on where the hypertrophic scar tissue is, you can treat it variously with home remedies, prescription creams, OTC scar treatment products and in-office procedures from a surgeon or dermatologist.

The common treatments in general of hypertrophic scar tissue include:

  • Pressure application
  • Silicone gel
  • Excision
  • The use of moisturizing creams and lotions
  • Radiation soon after excision to prevent the possibility of keloid formation
  • Skin needling
  • Pulsed Dye Laser
  • Intralesional corticosteroid injections
  • Topical corticosteroids especially if the scar is painful
  • The use of flavoids such as quercetin found in Mederma cream and kaempferol among others
  • Saline water of H2ocean
  • Garlic powder
  • Rosehip oil
  • Fish oil
  • Chamomile tea etc…

Keloid Hypertrophic Scar Can You Tell the Difference?

“Hypertrophic scars are often distinguished from keloid scars by their lack of growth outside the original wound area, but this commonly taught distinction can lead to confusion.Keloid scars are all hypertrophic,but “only a small percentage of hypertrophic scars” are keloid …. Hypertrophic scars and its subset keloids tend to be more common in wounds closed by secondary intention” (wikipedia.org)

Keloid hypertrophic scar appear shiny and may not be linear but round. It can appear like a growth way bigger than the original wound. If you have this kind of scar, excision would cause it to grow again. Therefore, only corticosteroid shots can make it reduce in height.

An excision of keloid hypertrophic scar should be followed by radiation as soon as possible to avoid the risk of an even bigger scar growing back.

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